Monday, January 23, 2017


When we see a movie or a play, we interpret it in our own personal way. Personally, I have never thought of any of these works from the artist's point of view. When I sit through a movie or a play, I think about the story line, how the actors performed, and what I got out of it. Calvino brings up the point that there is an incredible amount of work that goes into the production of these works. Typically when we read a book, we imagine the characters, the settings, and the interactions differently. When producing a film or a play, he director must convey the story in a way that can be physically constructed and visualized by the viewers. The amount of work that has to go into creating this before it can be tested is immense, and it takes a very creative mind in order to do so.

This point in the article was very interesting to me as I have never considered it before. I have seen a plethora of movies and plays, but have never thought about the amount of work that is done on the other end. Calvino bringing up the idea that reading "starts with the word and arrives at the visual image" struck me, because there have been many times that I read a work before it was made into a movie or a play, and was disappointed in how the producers interpreted things differently than I had. Everyone can depict all aspects of a novel, article, etc. differently, and a visual representation of one of these works shows the way the director interpreted it.


  1. I agree with your point that you've never thought about how much work goes into a movie or a play for the director. There is the obvious script-writing and choreography, but I now realize that the combination of many minor thought-out details must come together in a way that allows the viewer to interpret the production in the desired way.

  2. I too agree that people don't acknowledge the amount of work that is put into a movie. Yes, it takes months to film however the director needs to make perfect cuts to allow an audience to view it, though not everyone interpretation is the same- good point!
